Friday, December 18, 2015

Friday, December 4, 2015

Balance and Contrast

Contrast in Scale

Symmetry/ Asymmetry

Depth of Field

Contrast in Color

 Contrast in Value

Contrast in Texture



Thursday, November 12, 2015

Balance and Contrast-PreWork

Contrast in Scale
By: José Luis Barcia
 Contrast in Color or Value
By: Rob Taylor

Contrast of Texture
By: Ron Bigelow

Symmetrically Balanced
By: David

Radial Balance
By: Matthew Peoples

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Mood & Color Grid

This project is about capturing mood through editing. Different textures and tones create depth and feeling in the grids.  Viewers can experience different things and feel different emotions depending on what they see in each grid. Throughout this project we learned how to make grids that are not only a normal square pattern but also have an unique touch. 

Warm Color Grid
For this grid I did a simple box pattern and alternated the pictures. I tried to make the reds pop as much as I could by upping the red and bringing down the colors in the background. Every other row I have two of the pictures flipped upside down. The best photo that shows it is upside down is the one with the leafs and the green background.

Cold Color Grid 
This grid is made up of different pictures of water. I made the blue and greens in the water brighter than they were originally so they would standout more. I brought the light down in the background and mad the shadows darker. 

Monochrome Grid 
Monochrome is most often in black and white but it can also be in color as long as it is the some color in different shades. For my grid I took a four different pictures of green plants that were in various shades. I took the shadows from as dark as I could get them while still being able to tell what the photo is to almost as bright as I could get them. I think changing the shadows really makes the point that they are supposed to be distinctive shades.

Color Complementary Grid 
The complementary colors in this grid are red and green. I picked these colors because I think they are a classic color combination as they are one of the easiest color complementary combination to find in nature. For the grid I picked pictures of leafs and sticks that were green and red. I didn't edit the colors very much because they were already pretty prominent and showed the differences in the colors.

This grid isn't supposed to be a certain type of grid. I really like how the moss looked on the pipe and how the moss had so many different details in it. The only editing I did was brighten the green a little so it would standout.

This grid is a combination of three different pictures. For this grid I didn't do any editing with the lighting or colors the only thing I did was crop different parts of the pictures. I really like how they all fit together and how the lack of brightness shows the weather was cloudy. The reason I think it shows that tone is because they are all cohesive shades.

Mood Photo 
This photo is a single leaf surrounded by pine needles. To me this is showing the mood of  loneliness because the leaf is all alone and different. The light brings our eye to the leaf  which makes it the center of attention while the pine needles slowly fade into the dark because they are all the same. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Color Affecting Mood-PreWork

The colors in this photo to me show a mood of loneliness. The color in this photo has a slight blue tint which brings the feeling of cold. Her position has a sense of timidness which enhances the coldness of the blue background and the snow around her. I think the edits on this photo is a very light and calming.   

Monday, October 5, 2015

Framing and Composition

Rule of Thirds 
This photo I used a black and white filter. I think this is 
Rule of Thirds because the light is off to the side and it is the focus point in the photo.

Frame within a Frame
I really like the edit on this one because 
it looks like that it was in black and white and
is slowly changing to color.

Close up
For this I just made the background colors
a little less vibrant. How I made the colors duller is I took the greens in the background and tried to get them as dark as I could get them. Then I took the dark lighting in the photo and made them standout more. I also made the shadows more prominent. 

Bird's Eye View 
This picture I gust mad the colors a little more bold. 
In the original picture the colors didn't pop out
 much so I made the green and yellows bolder.

Bug's Eye View 
I made the the sky a more noticeable blue the original was more of a gray than blue. For the sculpture I made it a more of a copper by getting ride of the yellow as much as I could and darkening the shadows.

Leading Lines
I showed the original because I wanted to show how I changed it to look more like Leading Lines. How I firmed the line to make it noticeable was I put the shadow as low as I could. Then put the light a little more than half way up to make it pop more.

For this I dimmed the lighting and made the 
blacks a little stronger. I took the yellow and 
orange out as much as I could so it looks more gray.

Filling the Frame 
This edit really makes the greens pop out a lot more one the little flower things. For the pants that look like small trees I made them a little whiter than they were before.

Contact Sheet
 Inline image 2