Monday, March 28, 2016

Project 8-PreWork

I like how they made her features very soft and how you instantly look at her face even though she has a very pronounced crown. Putting the Black and White gives the photo a calm but stern feeling. 

I like this photo because it has a similar feel as the top photo. The two photos have many different qualities to them; they do have some things in common they both have the model wearing something on their heads, they have a soft look to them and even though the top picture doesn't have any color the bottom ones colors aren't very prominent so they both have a dull look to them but that also makes them standout. 

Photographer: Matt Jones
I like this magazine cover because it is very happy and bright. They tie the dice and the shirt together with the red color but they are a darker red so they make you notice them because the rest of the photo is very bright.

Photographer: Bill Gekas
This picture seems very innocent to me because it is a little girl with a look on her face like she's about to do something she shouldn't. Both the photos have red in them, they also have a light hearted feeling to them. The top picture has a light colored background and her clothes are dark but in the bottom photo the background is dark and the clothes are light.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Project 7-Surrealism

Door in the Sky
For this project we had to make surrealism photos. For my photo I used about 11 layers create this photo. I used three different backgrounds; the first two layers were to give the picture a foggy look and the third was the sunrise. I put three different doors within each other and then a warped them so make it more whimsical.  

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Project 7-PreWork

Surrealism is a cultural movement that started in the early 1920s that is most commonly know for its visual artworks and writings. The goal was to "resolve the previously contradictory conditions of dream and reality." The art that was created were odd creatures made for everyday objects.  Andre Brenton wrote the Surrealist Manifesto to convey how he wanted to combine the conscious and subconscious into a new "absolute reality." It was a way to unfasten power of the imagination.